Project “Investigation of the sorption properties of Langmuir-Blodgett films based on graphene and its compounds by acoustoelectronic methods for the development of a carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide sensor”
RSF Project No. 22-29-20317
Head: Gorbachev I.A.
The purpose of this study is to develop, form and study the gas-sensitive properties of Langmuir-Blodgett hybrid films, graphene and its compounds to study their sorption properties and develop a new generation of acoustoelectronic sensors of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide based on them.
The main objectives of the Project are:
- Development of a technology for the formation of highly ordered gas-sensitive LB films with modified graphene and its compounds and their transfer to solid piezoelectric substrates.
- Investigation of the structural, morphological and electrophysical properties of sensor coatings based on LB-films with modified graphene and its compounds.
- Investigation of the sorption properties of the formed films to carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide using acoustoelectronic technologies.
- Development, creation and research of sensory properties of an acoustoelectronic gas sensor to carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
As a result of the Project implementation there will be:
- a technology has been developed for creating sensitive sensory coatings based on highly structured LB-films of graphene and its compounds with increased selectivity to carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide;
- modification of the installation for obtaining monolayers by the Langmuir-Blodgett method was carried out, which will allow studying the process of formation of monolayers in the presence of an external electric field;
- a study was made of the effect of acidity and temperature of the subphase on the degree of order and uniformity of LB-films of graphene and its compounds to create a touch coating of a gas-sensitive sensor;
- developed a technique for studying gas adsorption using acoustoelectronic devices;
- a study was made of the sorption properties of the formed gas-sensitive film coatings to carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide;
- development and research of a layout of an acoustoelectronic gas sensor for carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide based on LB-films of graphene and its compounds.
During the 1st year of the project implementation, the following was accomplished:
- Modification of the Langmuir-Blodgett installation for the possibility of forming LB films under the action of an external electric field.
- The topology of the electrode structure of an acoustoelectronic device and the creation of an acoustoelectronic sensor model based on lithium niobate using sensor coatings from hybrid LB films have been developed.
- The process of formation and transfer of LB films of graphene and its compounds under various conditions, namely, in the presence of an external electric field, at various acidity and temperature of the aqueous subphase, has been studied.
- Structural and morphological properties of LB-films of graphene and its compounds obtained under various conditions have been studied.
- The electrophysical properties of LB films of graphene and its compounds obtained under various conditions have been studied.