E-mail: surgay_av@mail.ru
Phone: 8-913-034-32-33
Education: 2019-2021 – education at the Institute of Engineering Physics and Radioelectronics of the Siberian Federal University in the direction of “Radio Engineering” master’s program “Radioelectronic Systems and Devices for Location, Navigation and Control”.
Research interests:
Design and modernization of satellite, tropospheric and radio relay communication systems, taking into account the principles of radio wave propagation and electromagnetic compatibility; the use of composite materials to ensure electromagnetic compatibility and electronic protection; Microwave equipment; experimental study of the electrical properties of composite materials; radio absorbing materials; composite materials with controlled properties.
Professional experience: 2 years
Work at the institute:PhD student since October 1, 2021
Main scientific publications:
- A.V. Surgai, A.N. Frolov. Comprehensive assessment of the electromagnetic environment and determination of the norms of territorial separation // collection of reports of the X All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference “Electromagnetic Compatibility”, 2021, Moscow – P. – 71
- A.V. Surgai, G.A. Nepomnyashikh. Development of a generalized methodology for the energy calculation of the tropospheric communication line // Prospect Svobodny-2021: materials of the XVII International conference of students, graduate students and young scientists, 2021, Krasnoyarsk – P. – 2328
Participation in conferences:
- X All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference “Electromagnetic Compatibility” in 2021, Moscow;
- XVII International Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists, Krasnoyarsk, 2021