(July 14, 1966)
Laboratory of Semiconductor Processes in Semiconductor Materials (#172)
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics
No. 11, bld.7 Mokhovaya Street, Moscow 125009, Russia
Cell phone: +7-915-237-9880, Fax: +7-495-629-3678; Email: kuziren@yandex.ru
Jul, 1988 Magister of Physics, N.G. Chernyshevky Saratov State University, Russia
May, 2004 Dr.Sc. in physics-mathematics, N.G. Chernyshevky Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
Oct, 1996 PhD in physics-mathematics, N.G. Chernyshevky Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
Feb, 2016 Professor of RAS, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Jan, 2005 Associate Professor in Radiophysics, N.G. Chernyshevky Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
Jan, 2022 – present Head of Laboratory, Principal Researcher Scientist, Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow, Russia
Dec, 2016 – Dec. 2021 Principal Researcher Scientist, Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow, Russia
March, 2012–Dec, 2016 Leading Researcher Scientist, Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow, Russia
Jun, 2004 – Feb, 2012 Leading Researcher Scientist, Saratov Branch of Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Saratov, Russia
Aug, 2002 – Nov, 2002 Visiting Research Scientist, Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA
Sep, 2001 – Dec, 2001 Visiting Research Scientist, Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA
Jun, 2001 – Jul, 2001 Visiting Research Scientist, Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA
Apr, 2000 – May, 2000 Visiting Research Scientist, Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA
Dec, 1998 – Oct, 1999 Visiting Research Scientist, Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA
Jun, 1997 – Oct, 2004 Senior Researcher Scientist, Saratov Branch of Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Saratov, Russia
Jul, 1992 – Jun, 1997 Junior Researcher Scientist, Saratov Branch of Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Saratov, Russia
Aug, 1988 – Jul, 1992 Engineer, Saratov Branch of Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Saratov, Russia
Oct, 2020 – present part-time Professor, PhD Dept., Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow, Russia
Sept, 2014 – Jul, 2015 part-time Professor, Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics and Automatics, Moscow, Russia
Sept, 2004 – Jul, 2009 part-time Professor, Saratov State Technical University, Saratov, Russia
Sept, 1996 – Aug, 1999 part-time Associated Professor, N.G. Chernyshevky Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
Jul, 2015 – present Head of Post-Graduate Study Department of Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow, Russia
2016 – 2019 Russian director of Human-Machine Integrated International Joint Research Center of USST (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology), China
2014 – present Scientific Secretary of PhD Council of Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow, Russia
2014 Member of Program Committee of Russian Conference on Acoustics, Russia
2012 – present Head of Acoustoelectronic Section of Scientific Council on Acoustics of Russian Academy of Science, Russia
2011 – present Member of Presidium of Russian Acoustical Society, Russia
2009 Member of Organizing Committee of 1st Int. Conf. on Nanostructured Materials and Nanocomposites, Kottayam, Kerala, India
2006 – 2011 Chairman of Annual Russian Conference of Young Scientists “Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics and Nonlinear Physics”, Saratov, Russia.
- 2009, Dynasty foundation (Russia) for young Doctor of Science
- 2007, Russian Science Support Foundation Grant for young Russian Doctors of Science.
- 2005, Russian Science Support Foundation Grant for young Russian PhD.
- 1996, Russian President Grant for young Russian Scientific Researchers
- investigation of acoustic waves propagating in piezoelectric materials and structures;
- development of various devices (signal processing, hydroacoustical emmiter/receiver) and sensors (biological, chemical and physical) based on acoustic waves in piezoelectric structures;
- development of acoustic methods for definition of acoustic and electric characteristics of new materials (nanocomposite polymeric materials, graphen likely materials, etc.);
- investigation of interaction of electric and magnetic fields with acoustic waves in piezoelectric materials and structures;
- investigation of the influence of millimeter range electromagnetic radiation of low intensity on biological objects.
- the anomalous resisto-acoustic effect, the effect of transformation of the acoustic wave type, the effect of hybridization of the acoustic waves in piezoelectric plates due to change of electrical boundary conditions has been revealed;
- the acoustic waves in the piezoelectric plates and structures has been investigated and new biological and chemical sensors on their basis has been developed;
- the methods of the definition of acoustic and electric characteristics of new materials (nanocomposite polymeric materials, graphene like films, etc.) has been developed and approbated;
- the method for the control of temperature coefficient of delay of the plate acoustic wave has been developed;
Invited Book Chapters (3)
[03] Kashin V.V., Kolesov V.V., Kuznetsova I.E., Soldatov E.S., Plekhanova Yu.V., Tarasov S.E., Kitova A.E., Signore M.A., Ingle A.P., Rai M., Reshetilov A.N. Macro, Micro, and Nano-Biosensors: Potential Applications and Possible Limitations, in “Macro, Micro, and Nano-Biosensors”, Eds. by M.Rai, A. Reshetolov, Yu. Plekhanova, A.P. Ingle, 2020, Springer, Chapter 1, pp.3-17, ISBN 978-3-030-55489-7; eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-55490-3; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-55490-3
[02] Kuznetsova I.E., Zaitsev B.D., Shikhabudinov A.M., Characterization of mechanical and electrical properties of nanocomposites, in “Polymer Composites”, ed.by Thomas et.al, Wiley-VCH, Germany, 2013, V.2, Ch.7, ISBN 978-3-527-32979-3, pp. 163-184 (Invited)
[01] Zaitsev B.D., Kuznetsova I.E., Electric field influence on acoustic waves, in “Handbook of an advanced photonic and electronic materials and devices”, edited by H.S.Nalwa,. Academic Press. USA. 2000. V.4. Ch.4. pp.139-174. (Invited)
Main Journal Papers Published (2019-2023)
[47] Li P., Qian Zhi, Dong B., Qian Zhenghua, Ma T., Kuznetsova I. A novel method for sub-wavelength focusing of flexural waves // International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, v.248, 108206, 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2023.108206
[46] Li P., Qian Zhi., Zhang Y., Ma T., Kuznetsova I., Qian Zh., Kolesov V. The energy focusing of reflected flexural waves via two adjacent phase-modulation-based lenses // Energy, 2023, 267, 126523, 10.1016/j.energy.2022.126523
[45] Xu J., Zheng Y., Ma T., Chen H., Wu B., Wang J., Li S., Kuznetsova I., Nedospasov I., Du J., Shi H., Chen D., Sun F. Realization of topological valley Hall edge states of elastic waves in phononic crystals based on material differences // Physical Review Applied, 2023, v.19, 034062, 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.19.034062.
[44] Smirnov A., Anisimkin V., Krasnopolskaya L., Guliy O.I., Sinev I., Simakov V., Golyshkin A., Almyasheva N., Ageykin N.A., Kuznetsova I.E. Features of the formation of sensitive films based on mycelium of higher fungi for surface and plate acoustic waves gas sensors // Sensors, 2023, 23, 2216, 10.3390/s23042216
[43] Gorbachev I., Smirnov A., Ivanov G., Avramov I., Datsuk E., Venelinov T., Bogdanova E., Anisimkin V., Kolesov V., Kuznetsova I. Langmuir-Blodgett Films of Arachidic and Stearic Acids as Sensitive Coatings for Chloroform HF SAW Sensors // Sensors, 2023, 23, 100, 10.3390/s23010100
[42] Smirnov A.V., Zaitsev B.D., Nedospasov I.A., Nazarov G.M., Qian Z., Ma T., Kuznetsova I.E. Backward acoustic waves in piezoelectric plates in the presence of liquid: Theory and Experiment // Sensors, 2023, 23, 648, 10.3390/s23020648
[41] Biscaglia F., Caroppo A., Prontera C.-T., Sciurti E., Signore M.-A., Kuznetsova I., Leone A., Siciliano P., Francioso L. A comparison between different machine learning approaches combined with anodic stripping voltammetry for copper ions and PH detection in culture media // Chemosensors, 2023, v.11, p.61, 10.3390/chemosensors11010061.
[40] Li Sh., Xu J., Wu B., Tang Z., Ma T., Kuznetsova I., Nedospasov I., Su B., Kang P. Topological valley transport of elastic waves based on periodic triangular-lattices // Crystals, 2023, 13(1), 67, 10.3390/cryst13010067
[39] Yang C., Li P., Zhao X., Wang B., Liu D., Zaitsev B., Kuznetsova I., Qian Z., Hirose H. An Analytical and Meshless Modeling for Vibration Analysis of an Infinite Quartz Resonator with Non-circular Electrodes // Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2022, v.144, 33-43, 10.1016/j.enganabound.2022.08.002
[38] Signore M.A., Velardi L., De Pascali C., Kuznetsova I., Blasi L., Biscaglia F., Quaranta F., Siciliano P., Francioso L. Effect of silicon-based substrates and deposition types on sputtered AlN thin films: physical & chemical properties and suitability for piezoelectric device integration // Applied Surface Science, 2022, 599, 154017, 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.154017
[37] Smirnov A.V., Anisimkin V.I., Voronova N., Shamsutdinova E.S., Li P., Ezzin H., Qian Z., Ma T., Kuznetsova I.E. Multimode Design and Piezoelectric Substrate Anisotropy Use to Improve Performance of Acoustic Liquid Sensors // Sensors, 2022, 22, 7231, 10.3390/s22197231.
[36] Ezzin H., Das R., Qian Z., Kuznetsova I. Energy reflection and transmission characteristics of acoustic waves in a functionally graded piezoelectric plate immersed into non-viscous fluid // Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022, 535, 117139, 10.1016/j.jsv.2022.117139
[35] Fang K., Li N., Li P., Qian Z., Kolesov V., Kuznetsova I. Effects of an attached functionally graded layer on the electromechanical behaviors of piezoelectric semiconductor fibers // Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(9), 1367-1380, 10.1007/s10483-022-2900-5.
[34] Fionov A., Kraev I., Solodilov V., Yurkov G., Zhukov A., Surgay A., Kuznetsova I., Kolesov V. Radio-absorbing materials based on polymer composites and their application to solving the problems of electromagnetic compatibility // Polymers, 2022, 14, 3026, 10.3390/polym14153026.
[33] Nedospasov I.A., Pupyrev P.D., Bechler N., Tham J., Kuznetsova I.E., Mayer A.P. Guided acoustic waves at periodically structured edges: Linear modes and nonlinear generation of Lamb and surface waves // Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022, v.527, 116854, 10.1016/j.jsv.2022.116854.
[32] Xu J., Shi H., Sun F., Tang Z., Li S., Chen D., Ma T., Kuznetsova I., Nedospasov I., Zhang C. High-frequency vibration analysis of piezoelectric array sensor under lateral-field-excitation based on crystals with 3m point group // Sensors, 2022, v.22, 3596, 10.3390/s22093596.
[31] Golovanov E., Kolesov V., Osipenko V., Anisimkin V., Kuznetsova I.E. ZnO piezoelectric films for acoustoelectronic and microenergetic applications // Coatings, 2022, v.12, 709, 10.3390/coatings12050709
[30] Fang K., Li P., Li N., Liu D., Qian Z., Kolesov V., Kuznetsova I. Model and performance analysis of non-uniform piezoelectric semiconductor nanofiber // Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, v.104, 628-643, 10.1016/j.apm.2021.12.009
[29] Anisimkin V., Shamsutdinova E., Li P., Wang B., Zhu F., Qian Z., Kuznetsova I. Selective detection of liquid viscosity using acoustic plate waves with in-plate polarization // Sensors, 2022, v.22, 2727, 10.3390/s22072727
[28] Chou Ch.-Ch., Lin Y.-T., Kuznetsova I., Wang G.-J., Genetically modified soybean detection using a biosensor electrode with a selfassembled monolayer of gold nanoparticles // Biosensors-Basel, 2022, v.12, #4, 207, 10.3390/bios12040207.
[27] Li N., Fang K., Li P., Qian Z., Kolesov V., Kuznetsova I. Electromechanical behaviors in piezotronic quantum wells based on a quantum corrected phenomenological theory// Journ. of Appl.Phys., 2022, v.131, #5, 055702, 10.1063/5.0078085
[26] Qian Z., Fang K., Li P., Li N., Liu D., Kolesov V., Kuznetsova I. Model and performance analysis of non-uniform piezoelectric semiconductor nanofiber// Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, v.104, 628-643, 10.1016/j.apm.2021.12.009
[25] Fang K., Li P., Li N., Liu D., Qian Z., Kolesov V., Kuznetsova I. Impact of PN junction inhomogeneity on the piezoelectric fields of acoustic waves in piezo-semiconductive fibers// Ultrasonics, 2022, v.120, 106660, 10.1016/j.ultras.2021.106660
[24] Gorbacev I.A., Smirnov A.V., Glukhovskoj E.G., Kolesov V.V., Ivanov G., Kuznetsova I.E. Morphology of mixed Langmuir and Langmuir-Shaefer monolayers with covered CdSe/CdS/ZnS quantum dots and arachnid acid// Langmuir, 2021, v.37, #38, 14105-14113, 10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c02345
[23] Fang K., Li N., Li P., Qian Z., Kolesov V., Kuznetsova I. A convenient approach to tuning the local piezopotential of an extensional piezoelectric semiconductor fiber via composite structure design// Nano Energy, 2021, v.90, 106626, 10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.106626.
[22] Kuznetsova I., Nedospasov I., Smirnov A., Anisimkin V., Roshchupkin D., Signoria M.-A., Francioso L., Kondoh J., Serebrov M., Kashin V., Kolesov V. The Peculiarities of the Acoustic Waves of Zero Order Focusing in Lithium Niobate Plates// Sensors, 2021, v.21, p.4000, 10.3390/S21124000
[21] Kondoh J., Nakayama K., Kuznetsova I. Study of frequency dependence of shear horizontal surface acoustic wave sensor for engine oil measurements// Sensors and Actuators A., 2021, v.325, p. 112503, 10.1016/j.sna.2020.112503.
[20] Smirnov A.V., Zaitsev B.D., Teplykh A.A., Nedospasov I.A., Golovanov E.V., Qian Z., Wang B., Kuznetsova I. The experimental registration of the evanescent acoustic wave in YX LiNbO3 plate// Sensors, 2021, v.21, p.2238, 10.3390/S21062238.
[19] Anisimkin V., Kolesov V., Kuznetsova A., Shamsutdinova E.S., Kuznetsova I. An analysis of the water-to-ice phase transition using plate acoustic waves // Sensors, 2021, v.21, p.919, 10.3390/S21030919.
[18] Zhu F., Li P., Day X., Qian Z., Kuznetsova I., Kolesov V., Ma T. A theoretical model for analyzing the thickness shear vibration of a circular quartz crystal plate with multiple concentric ring electrodes// IEEE Trans. on Ultras., Ferroel., and Freq. Contr., 2021, v.68, #5, pp.1808-1818, 10.1109/TUFFC.2020.3047808.
[17] Li P., Qian Z., Wang B., Kuznetsova I., Kolesov V. The flexural-wave-based lens design for energy focusing via the trajectory prediction and the phase modulation// Energy, 2021, v.220, 119716, 10.1016/j.energy.2020.119716
[16] Chu T.-F., Lin F.-Y., Kuznetsova I.E., Wang G.-J. A novel neutral non-enzymatic glucose biofuel cell based on a Pt/Au nano-alloy anode// Journal of Power Sources, 2021, v.486, 229374, 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.229374
[15] Singhal A., Sedighi H.M., Ebrahimi F., Kuznetsova I.E. Comparative Study of Flexoelectricity effect study with Highly/Weakly Interface in distinct piezoelectric material (PZT-2, PZT-4, PZT-5H, LiNbO3, BaTiO3)// Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2021, v.31(6), 1780-1798, 10.1080/17455030.2019.1699676
[14] Zhao Z., Qian Z., Wang B., Kuznetsova I., Ma T., Yong Y.-K. Design Considerations for Frequency Shifts in a Laterally Finite FBAR Sensor in contact with the Newtonian Liquid// IEEE Trans. on Ultras., Ferroel., and Freq. Contr., 2020, v.67, #11, pp.2402-2412, 10.1109/TUFFC.2020.3006186.
[13] Kuznetsova I.E., Smirnov A.V., Anisimkin V.I., Gubin S.P., Signoria M.-A., Francioso L., Kondoh J., Kolesov V.V. Inkjet printing of plate acoustic wave devices// Sensors, 2020, v.20, 3349, 10.3390/s20123349
[12] Kuznetsova I.E., Zaitsev B.D., Krasnopolyskaya L.M., Teplykh A.A., Semyonov A.P., Avtonomova A., Ziangirova M.Yu., Smirnov A.V., Kolesov V.V. Influence of humidity on the acoustic properties of mushroom mycelium films used as sensitive layers for acoustic humidity sensors// Sensors, 2020, v.20, 2711, 10.3390/s20092711.
[11] Li N., Wang B., Qian Z., Kuznetsova I., Ma T. Two-dimensional Plate Theory for the Analysis of Coupling Vibrations in Shear Mode FBARs// IEEE Trans. on Ultras., Ferroel., and Freq. Contr., 2020, v.67, #9, pp.1897-1908, 10.1109/TUFFC.2020.2992287
[10] Zhao Z., Pang X., Qian Z., Kuznetsova I., Ma T., Yong Y. Lateral Size-dependence in UHF Mode-coupled ZnO FBARs to Suppress Undesirable Eigen-modes and Weaken Mounting Effect// IEEE Trans. on Ultras., Ferroel., and Freq. Contr., 2020, v,67, #8, pp. 1647-1655, 10.1109/TUFFC.2020.2981645
[9] Chu T.-F., Rajendran R., Kuznetsova I., Wang G.-J. A high-power non-enzymatic glucose biofuel cell based on a nano/micro hybrid-structured gold anode// Journal of Power Sources, 2020, v.453, 227844, 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.227844
[8] Kolesov V.V., Kuznetsova I.E., Soldatov E.S., Melnikov A.E., Dagesyan S.A. Influence of Plate Acoustic Waves on Electronic Transport in Nanowires// Nanotechnology, 2020, v.31, #14, p.145205, 10.1088/1361-6528/ab6684
[7] Wang M., Shi H., Ma T., Qian Z., Du J., Kuznetsova I., Wang J., Zhang C. High-frequency vibration analysis of LiTaO3 piezoelectric plates excited by lateral electric fields produced by surface electrodes under viscous liquid loadings for sensing// Smart Material and Structures, 2020, v.29, #4, 045004, 10.1088/1361-665X/ab7110.
[6] Zhu F., Wang B., Qian Z., Kuznetsova I., Ma T. Influence of Surface Conductivity on Dispersion Curves, Mode Shapes, Stress, and Potential for Lamb Waves Propagating in Piezoelectric Plate// IEEE Trans. on Ultras., Ferroel., and Freq. Contr., 2020, v.67, #4, pp.855-862, 10.1109/TUFFC.2019.2954745.
[5] Kuznetsova I.E., Kolesov V.V., Fionov A.S., Kramarenko E.Yu., Stepanov G.V., Mikheev M.G., Verona E., Solodov I.Yu. Magnetoactive elastomers with controllable radio-absorbing properties// Materials Today Communications, 21, 2019, 100610, 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2019.100610
[4] Kuznetsova I.E., Nedospasov I.A., Smirnov A.V., Qian Z., Wang B., Dai X. Excitation and detection of evanescent acoustic waves in piezoelectric plates: Theoretical and 2D FEM modeling// Ultrasonics, 2019, v.99, 105961, 10.1016/j.ultras.2019.105961
[3] Reshetilov A.N., Plekhanova Yu.V., Tarasov S., Tikhonenko S.A., Dubrovsky A., Kim A., Kashin V., Machulin A., Wang G.-J., Kolesov V.V., Kuznetsova I.E. Bioelectrochemical properties of enzyme containing multilayered polyelectrolyte microcapsules modified with multiwall carbon nanotubes// Membranes, 2019, 9, 53, 10.3390/membranes9040053
[2] Zhu F., Wang B., Dai X., Qian Z., Kuznetsova I., Kolesov V., Huang B. Vibration Optimization of an Infinite Circular AT-cut Quartz Resonator with Ring Electrodes// Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019, v.72, pp. 217-229, 10.1016/j.apm.2019.03.014
[1] Zaitsev B.D., Kuznetsova I.E., Nedospasov I.A., Smirnov A.V., Semyonov A.P. New approach to detection of guided waves with negative group velocity: Modeling and experiment// Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, v.442, pp.155-166, 10.1016/j.jsv.2018.10.056